What We Believe

Statement of Faith

From the time of the Apostles to today, Christians have laid out doctrine (beliefs) in brief, definitive statements. As those who know God, we believe it necessary to set forth in a concise fashion the cornerstone truths of our church as guided by Scripture. Our Statement of Faith summarizes essential Christian beliefs, shows unity in Christ, and guards the church from error.

All who join Creekside Fellowship are required to affirm the Creekside Fellowship Statement of Faith, the revised New Hampshire Confession of Faith from 1853. This statement registers our belief in historic Christianity, evangelical Christianity, believer’s baptism, and congregational polity. Once we as members agree to the statement, we are responsible for believing and living in accordance with it.

We also affirm a statement on gender and sexuality that is known as the Nashville Statement. This affirmation clearly articulates what we believe Scripture teaches about the inherent goodness of men and women as those created in God’s image. It also registers our belief in the historic Christian sexual ethic.

You can read both of these statements below.

Church Constitution