Sunday Gathering


Sunday Gathering - 10:30 AM

101 Harsh Lane, Castalian Springs, TN 37031


The Sunday Gathering is the most important thing we do as a church.

All people are welcome to attend our time of worship. Whether you have questions about Christianity or Jesus, are looking for a church, or have been a Christian for years, we welcome you to join us for a Sunday morning.

When you arrive, you will be greeted at the door. If you have children, someone would be glad to direct you to the children’s check-in desk. You can find out more about our children’s ministry here on the website.

What to Expect:

Praying - the Bible says it is important for Christians to talk to God in prayer both individually and corporately. We pray several times during the course of our worship gatherings.

Reading the Bible - we believe that the Bible is God’s revelation of himself to us. Therefore, we read the Bible often in our worship gatherings. There are Bibles here for you to use if you do not have access to one. If you’d like to have a Bible of your own, feel free to take the one in the chair home with you!

Singing - We sing a number of songs in our times of worship. We sing old songs and new songs. The most important thing about the songs we sing is that they are true. We sing songs to God and about God. Feel free to sing along with us as you learn the songs we sing!

Preaching - We believe the preaching of God’s Word is one of the most important aspects of Christian worship. You will hear a sermon from a qualified preacher that focuses on a specific text of Scripture, making the main points of a passage the main points of the sermon. This is called expository preaching, and we value it highly as a church community.

Communion - Each week, we take a time to observe communion as a church. There are stations around the room that contain the elements (Bread and Juice). We invite everyone who is a follower of Christ to join us in taking communion each week. This is a way we remember Christ’s sacrifice, understand the Spirit’s presence in our lives, and celebrate the work of redemption on the cross.

Our worship gatherings are serious and casual. 

We are serious about worshipping God. We blend traditional and contemporary elements of worship. We would love to have you join us.

Our dress is casual and our pastors are approachable. Come comfortable!

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