Covenant Membership

Covenant Membership

In the New Testament, church membership is vitally important. Christians are never pictured as individuals who are isolated from their covenant community of fellow Christ followers. Belonging to a local assembly of believers is the norm, and faithfulness to gather with this spiritual family is a key to spiritual growth.​

Believers become spiritually mature as they interact appropriately with the Word of God, aided by the Spirit of God, in the context of the people of God. As a member engages relationally with other members, there is opportunity to exercise those spiritual gifts intended to strengthen the entire body (Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, 25-26).

Our membership process at Creekside Fellowship consists of three steps:

  • Attend a Newcomers Luncheon. The luncheons are after the Sunday morning worship service and last approximately 90 minutes. During the luncheon, our elders will teach you about the church, what we believe, and how we live and serve one another as a church family. This will give you an opportunity to meet the elders, hear the history of the congregation, learn the vision for moving forward, and be given an opportunity to ask questions.  You will be given a Church Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. After those are explained, if you are interested in proceeding further, you will be given a Personal Information and asked to schedule a meeting with an elder.

  • During the private meeting with an elder, you will be asked to affirm your relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. We want to hear your story of God’s redemptive work in your life and celebrate it with you. A discussion regarding baptism will follow. We will ask that you acknowledge your agreement with the Church Covenant with your signature. You will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding membership responsibilities and expectations.

  • The final step in the membership process is congregational affirmation. At a Members’ Meeting, you will be presented to the congregation for church membership. After an affirmative vote from the existing members of Creekside, you will be welcomed into the church as a Covenant Member.